Fun Facts About August

Fun Facts About August.

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August is the eighth month of today’s present calendar and also the Julian calendar. It is the fifth month of the year to have a 31-day length out of a total of seven. August is said to be the third month and also is the beginning of popular summer school break in the UK and other places. It is also the period when a lot of people go on summer vacations and outings.

August is an interesting month, which if you don’t know where to look for these interesting August fun facts that makes it interesting you would know anything about the month. For example, in parts of West Africa women travel back to their hometowns for August meetings, August meetings are organized to discuss important details of how to move the town and its people forward. There are lots of other details and fun facts about August, this we would compiled and discuss in full details in this article.

In this article, I’ll be sharing with you fascinating August fun facts you need to know about the month of August. Without wasting much of our precious time, let’s get right into it.

Fun Facts About August

  • It has varying weather conditions

I know I assumed a bit about the weather conditions of this earlier without taking into account where you may be but I guess I’ll have to clarify. The weather conditions of August depend on where you are located, either the Northern hemisphere or the Southern hemisphere. If you’re in the Northern hemisphere, it will be the third month of summer with a lot of sun. On the other hand, if you’re in the Southern hemisphere eg Seychelles, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, or Argentina, it will be towards the end of the winter season with it being quite cold.

  • Its naming origin

Traditionally, August was named Sextilis because it was the sixth month in the 10-month Roman calendar. After a calendar reform, it was then named in honor of Augustus Caesar, the Roman emperor. The emperor was said to choose August because it was when he had several of his great triumphs, including the conquest of Egypt.

  • It started the rush

The month of August was the period that the Gold rush in Alaska started after the precious element was discovered in the Klondike River. This occurred in 1896 and it saw the start of the popular gold rush.

  • It saw the end of the war

In August 1945, World War II technically ended after Japan surrendered to opposing forces. This helped everyone to start their recovery.

august, facts about august, august facts, fun facts about august, facts about the month of august

  • It is the harvest period

During August, most farmers tend to collect and bring in all the crops they have planted after they have supposedly had a good time maturing and growing better during the early periods of summer.

  • It’s a popular name

Funny enough, there seem to be quite some people named August or other derivatives like Augusta, Augustine, Augustus, etc. It is even one of the most popular boy names in Sweden with it breaking past the top 100 list.

  • A little scandal

The Watergate scandal happened in August and it led to the resignation of the inaugurated US President, Richard Nixon.

  • The Coke time

The month of August will always be a time that the Coca-Cola Company will remember as that was when the first bottle was sold in the UK, in the year 1900 which is about 122 years ago.

  • It has an odd Presidential chasm

I know this isn’t really big but it is quite a cool fact to know that only one US President’s death has occurred in August. It was Warren Harding, the 29th President of the United States.

  • It has quite some celebrations

The month of July is host to quite some celebrations and it is a “national month or day” for many things. Some famous ones it is known for are National Water Quality Month, National Catfish Month, etc. Without forgetting, it also holds the national rum day which is celebrated on the 16th of August every year.

  • A month of freedom for some

Some countries have their independence day in the month of August and some of them are Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago. So this makes the summer month quite important for citizens of these countries.

  • Famous personalities

Surely, there are many popular persons born in the month of August. Some of them are ex-US Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, actors Ben Affleck, Chris Hemsworth Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, and Peter O’Toole, Louis Armstrong, Hulk Hogan, and many more others.

  • Zodiac signs

There are two zodiac signs in the month of August and they are Leo and Virgo. If you’re born from the 1st to the 22nd of August, you’re considered a Leo and if you’re born from the 22nd of August onwards, you’re a Virgo.

  • Birthstones

August is quite lucky to have not two but three different birthstones and they are sardonyx, spinel, and peridot.


The above are some of the most important fun facts about August, these August fun facts captured in this article can only contain  so many as there are many facts to learn about the month of August. The next section of this article could capture more of these things to learn about August, answering some of the most popular and frequently asked questions about August.

FAQ About August

  • What is August known for?

August is known for the dog days of summerNational smile weekNational watermelon day, National Bacon Lovers Day, International Cat Day, National Black Cat Appreciation Day, National Relaxation Day, National Son And Daughter Day and a lot more.

  • What are some fun facts about August?

Some fun facts about August are:

  1. August is a popular male given name, there are several popular people named August.
  2. The first day of August is known as Lammas Day, which is a festival to mark the harvest of wheat and corn.
  3. August 3rd is known as water melon day.
  4. August was originally named sextilis.
  • Why is August month special?

August is a special month because of some great events that took place in the month like the following:

  1. August 26 is Women’s Equality Day, which celebrates the 1920 ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment and, with it, women’s right to vote in the United States.
  2. August 15 1947 India gained independence from the British.
  3. August 5 is a Civic Holiday in parts of Canada.
  4. August 9 starts the Islamic New Year, or the First of Muharram, beginning at sundown. Traditionally, it begins at the first sighting of the lunar crescent after the new Moon.
  5. August 10 is St. Lawrence’s Day. “Fair weather on St. Lawrence’s Day presages a fair autumn.”
  6. August 11 marks the end of the Dog Days of Summer, which began on July 3.
  7. August 17 is when the Cat Nights begin, harking back to a rather obscure Irish legend concerning witches; this bit of folklore also led to the idea that a cat has nine lives.
  8. August 19 brings National Aviation Day, chosen for the birthday of Orville Wright who piloted the first recorded flight of a powered heavier-than-air machine in 1903.
  9. August 24 is St. Bartholomew Day. “At St. Bartholomew, there comes cold dew.”
  • what is the month of august known for?

The month of August is known for the dog days of summerNational smile weekNational watermelon day, National Bacon Lovers Day, International Cat Day, National Black Cat Appreciation Day, National Relaxation Day, National Son And Daughter Day and a lot more.

  • What are the best things about August?

The best things about August are:

  1. Sweet corn becomes available.
  2. Women celebrate equality.
  • What is August first known for?

August is known for the following:

  1. August 26 is Women’s Equality Day, which celebrates the 1920 ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment and, with it, women’s right to vote in the United States.
  2. August 15 1947 India gained independence from the British.
  3. August 5 is a Civic Holiday in parts of Canada.
  4. August 9 starts the Islamic New Year, or the First of Muharram, beginning at sundown. Traditionally, it begins at the first sighting of the lunar crescent after the new Moon.
  5. August 10 is St. Lawrence’s Day. “Fair weather on St. Lawrence’s Day presages a fair autumn.”
  • what is so special about the month of august?

The special thing about the month of August are the so many special holidays which includes; the dog days of summerNational smile weekNational watermelon day, National Bacon Lovers Day, International Cat Day, National Black Cat Appreciation Day, National Relaxation Day, National Son And Daughter Day and a lot more

  • What is August personality?

People born in August are known to be brave, proud, loyal and strong-willed, this is because they are Leo and Virgo.

  • What does August celebrate?

The following are celebrated in the month of August:

  1. August 26 is Women’s Equality Day, which celebrates the 1920 ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment and, with it, women’s right to vote in the United States.
  2. August 15 1947 India gained independence from the British.
  3. August 5 is a Civic Holiday in parts of Canada.
  4. August 9 starts the Islamic New Year, or the First of Muharram, beginning at sundown. Traditionally, it begins at the first sighting of the lunar crescent after the new Moon.
  5. August 10 is St. Lawrence’s Day. “Fair weather on St. Lawrence’s Day presages a fair autumn.”
  6. August 11 marks the end of the Dog Days of Summer, which began on July 3.
  7. August 17 is when the Cat Nights begin, harking back to a rather obscure Irish legend concerning witches; this bit of folklore also led to the idea that a cat has nine lives.
  8. August 19 brings National Aviation Day, chosen for the birthday of Orville Wright who piloted the first recorded flight of a powered heavier-than-air machine in 1903.
  9. August 24 is St. Bartholomew Day. “At St. Bartholomew, there comes cold dew.”
  • What is August named after?

August was named after Roman emperor Augustus Caesar.

  • What is August birth flower?

August birth flowers are the Gladiolus and the Poppy.


Don’t hesitate to share this collection of facts about August with your friends and family especially those who were born in the month of August or those who gave birth to baby in August.