June Fun Facts

June Fun Facts.

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June is the sixth month of the year in today’s calendar as well as the Julian calendar. It is the second month of the year to have a 30-day length and is the third month that doesn’t have a 31-day length. It is usually regarded as the first month of summer for those in the northern hemisphere. Just so you know, if you’re born between the 21st of May and 21st of June you are a Gemini. And if you’re born between June 22nd and July 22nd your Zodiac sign is Cancer.

One of the most popularly known June fun facts is that the month of June sits perfectly at the middle of the year and the calendar, is is popularly considered to be the half time of the year(in sporting terms), this is because of the unique position they month of June occupies in the calendar. There are much more known and unknown fun June facts, these unknown June facts have been compiled in this article for your reading pleasure.

In this article, I’ll be sharing with you fun facts for June you need to know about the month of June. Without taking much of our time, let’s get right into it.

Fun Facts June

  • It has more daylight hours

The month of June is said to have more daylight hours than every other month of the year, but this is exclusive to the northern hemisphere as in the southern hemisphere, it has the least daylight hours.

  • Origin of The Month of June

June is said to be named after Juno, the ancient Roman goddess who is the god of marriage and childbirth.

  • An important time for tennis

June is the host to Wimbledon, the popular English tennis tournament. It is arguably one of the most prominent tennis tournaments in the world.

  • Birth flower

Just like every other month, June has its birth flower and it is Rose.

  • Birthstones

Every month has a birthstone associated with it, and June is lucky to have three different birthstones which are Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite.

  • A time to smile

June is unofficially celebrated as the National Smile Month in the United Kingdom.

  • Quite some CEOs

According to a study carried out by some group, June has about 6% of present CEOs born in it.

  • It’s the dry month

The traditional Anglo-Saxons called the month of June the “sera monath”, which when roughly translated means the dry month. This is quite understandable considering the season.

  • Popular and important days

The month of June has quite some popular days in it which are celebrated and recognized by different people around the world. Some of them will be below:

On the 5th of June, World Environment Day is held to spread awareness about the environment and how to preserve it.

On the 6th of June, Sweden’s national holiday known as Flag Day is celebrated.

On the 7th of June, National Chocolate Ice Cream day is celebrated by people who fancy it.

On the 15th of June, Chocolate Eclair is celebrated.

On the 16th of June, Fresh Veggies day is celebrated to encourage a healthy eating lifestyle.

On the 20th of June, Ice Cream Soda day is celebrated.

On the 21st of June, National Aboriginal Day is celebrated by the people of Canada.

On the 24th of June, Midsummer day is celebrated by different people and cultures.

  • A bit of an issue

According to a study carried out, there seems to be some connection between June-born babies and dyslexia. But this has not been fully confirmed by medical professionals globally.

That’s the end of the huge collection of fun June facts about the month of June, knowing these interesting fun facts about June is important for individuals born in the month of June and even those who are interested in learning anything new such as facts and trivias.

To learn more about June facts let’s look at some of the most popular frequently asked questions about June facts below. These questions are all about June and would reveal more facts you probably never knew about the month.

June FAQs

  • What is June best known for?

The month of June is best known for having the longest day of the year, which is June 20. June is also known for being the end of Spring and the start of Summer. Alongside those, June is the middle of the year.

  • What are June babies called?

June babies are called Gemini(born May 21 – June 20) or Cancer(born June 21 – July 22). You are called either a Cancer or a Gemini if your date of birth falls in the month of June.

  • Why is June a special month?

June is a special month because it is the middle of the year and also the beginning of summer.

  • What are things that happen in June?

The following are things that happen in the month of June:

  1. June 1: World Milk Day.
  2. June 2: National Rocky Road Day.
  3. June 3: National Egg Day.
  4. June 4: Hug Your Cat Day.
  5. June 4: National Donut Day.
  6. June 6: National Gardening as Exercise Day.
  7. June 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
  8. June 8: Best Friends Day
  9. June 9: National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
  10. June 10: National Iced Tea Day
  11. June 11: Corn on the Cob Day
  12. June 12: National Jerky Day
  13. June 13: Weed Your Garden Day
  14. June 14: Flag Day
  15. June 15: National Lobster Day
  16. June 16: Fresh Veggies Day
  17. June 17: National Apple Strudel Day
  18. June 18: National Splurge Day
  19. June 19: National Dry Martini Day
  20. June 20: The First Day of Summer
  21. June 21: National Smoothie Day
  22. June 22: National Onion Rings Day
  23. June 23: National Pink Day
  24. June 24: National Pralines Day
  25. June 25: National Strawberry Parfait Day
  26. June 26: Tropical Cocktail Day
  27. June 27: Great American Picnic Day
  28. June 28: National Tapioca Day
  29. June 29: National Camera Day
  30. June 30: National Meteor Watch Day
  • What is celebrated in June around the world?

The following are events that are celebrated in June around the world:

  1. June 1: World Milk Day.
  2. June 2: National Rocky Road Day.
  3. June 3: National Egg Day.
  4. June 4: Hug Your Cat Day.
  5. June 4: National Donut Day.
  6. June 6: National Gardening as Exercise Day.
  7. June 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
  8. June 8: Best Friends Day
  9. June 9: National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
  10. June 10: National Iced Tea Day
  11. June 11: Corn on the Cob Day
  12. June 12: National Jerky Day
  13. June 13: Weed Your Garden Day
  14. June 14: Flag Day
  15. June 15: National Lobster Day
  16. June 16: Fresh Veggies Day
  17. June 17: National Apple Strudel Day
  18. June 18: National Splurge Day
  19. June 19: National Dry Martini Day
  20. June 20: The First Day of Summer
  21. June 21: National Smoothie Day
  22. June 22: National Onion Rings Day
  23. June 23: National Pink Day
  24. June 24: National Pralines Day
  25. June 25: National Strawberry Parfait Day
  26. June 26: Tropical Cocktail Day
  27. June 27: Great American Picnic Day
  28. June 28: National Tapioca Day
  29. June 29: National Camera Day
  30. June 30: National Meteor Watch Day
  • What is June personality?

Those born in June are usually known to be talented, good looking and typically extroverts because they are very social and charismatic.

  • What June birthday means?

If you are born between May 21 and June 20 you are a Gemini while if you are born between June 21 and July 22 you are a Cancer.

  • What is June Known for UK?

In the UK June is known for having the longest day of the year which is June 20.

  • What color represents June?

The color that represents June is light purple.

  • What famous person birthday is in June?

The following famous people were born in the month of June:

  1. Morgan Freeman.
  2. Brian Cox.
  3. Jonathan Pryce.
  4. Zachary Quinto.
  5. Stacy Keach.
  6. Imogen Poots.
  7. Anderson Cooper.
  8. Angelina Jolie.
  9. Bruce Dern.
  10. Mark Wahlberg.
  11. Lisa Cholodenko.
  12. Paul Giamatti.
  13. Robert Englund.
  14. Liam Neeson.
  15. Karl Urban.
  16. Kanye West.
  17. Jerry Stiller.
  • What is the soul symbol for June?

The soul symbol of June is  fish.

The above are the most popular frequently asked questions about June and June facts, you might want to share the article with your family and friends who want to learn something new about the month of June.