Steak And Blow Job Day.
Facts about steak and bj day. March 14 of every year is the official steak and blow job day a valentine’s day equivalent for men all over the world. The steak and bj day is one of the few sepcial days that comes with lots of controversies and different opinions. Whatever the case is, we’re here to let you know the facts about steak and blow job day a special day for men, at least according to the official website of the day. Note that this article is not about blow jobs or any lewd acts but about the march 14 which is regarded as national steak and blow job day. All you’ll get to read are facts about this day, nothing more than that.
Steak And Blow Job Day Facts
It’s rumored to have been started in 269AD by the Romans. The national steak and blowjobs day isn’t a new or recent observance by men and their lovers all over the world, though many people(men and women) do not know of this special day for men, it’s quite popular amongst a select number of people all over the world who take their time on March 14 to observe it.
It’s observed exactly one month after Valentine’s Day. It is widely believed that women are the most beneficiaries of love and care shown on Valentine’s Day, the initiators of the steak and bj day decided it’ll make sense to give men their own day to feel special, hence the one month gap between lover’s day and national steak and bj day.
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It is primarily observed in North America, Australia, Europe, New Zealand. While it’s popular amongst lots of people in these aforementioned regions the rest haven’t looked into it or are not aware of the special day for men.
Rumor has it that after the second world war, President Harry Truman instructed the FBI to secretly share the word to act as a ‘welcome home gift’ for troops coming home from the war. If the rumors are right, troops got entertained with steaks and blow jobs to make them feel at home after the war overseas.
It is surrounded by lots of controversies especially by a few number of women and some feminists. To them the national steak and blow jobs day is a product of misogyny against women.
See some weird facts of the day.
In response to the accusation of misogyny, the official website for the men’s special day has dedicated all of it’s profits to help fight breast cancer. This we all commend.
Are you a guy? Do you love steaks? Do you love getting some BJ? How about getting both at once as a treat from your lady a month after you’ve marked lover’s day with showering her gifts?

Want our opinion? Any man that refused making valentines day special for his lady does not deserve the steak and bj day made special for him
FAQ About Steak And Blow Job Day
When is national steak and bj day?
14th of March is is the national Steak and bj day.
What is steak and bj day?
Steak and bj day is the men’s version of valentine, a special day for every man to be made special by his lady.
What day is steak and bj day?
14th of March of every year is steak and bj day.
When is stick and bj day?
The day for for steak and bj day is the special day of the year for you by your lady and it is 14th of march.
When is steak and bj day 2017?
Steak and bj day 2017 is the same for every other year, the date remains the same.
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