Whale Puns And Jokes You Can’t Miss

Whale Puns

whale puns, jokes about whales, whale jokes, whale pun, whale joke

Are you ready to embark on a pun-tastic voyage into the depths of humor with whale puns and jokes? If you’re a fan of these majestic creatures of the sea and love a good laugh, then you’re in for a treat! In this article, I’ll be exploring the world of whale-related humor with puns and jokes that are guaranteed to make you spout with laughter.

From clever wordplay to hilarious punchlines, get ready to dive into a sea of chuckles and giggles as we explore the fin-tastic world of whale puns. So, put on your captain’s hat and get ready to ride the waves of laughter with these jokes about our beloved oceanic friends. Whether you’re a marine life enthusiast or just someone who appreciates a good pun, these whale puns are sure to make a splash and have you rolling in the aisles. Let’s dive in and get ready to whaley laugh with these whale puns that are sure to blow you away with their unique and funny humor!

Below is a huge list of whale jokes and puns about whales you must not miss.

Whale Jokes

  • Why did the whale call the detective? Because he saw something fishy going on!
  • Where do whales wait for a train? At the whaleway station.
  • Why do blue whales always feel sad and depressed? Because their lives are too over-whale-ming.
  • Why are whales great at playing baseball? They know how to dive for the ball.
  • Where does a little killer whale go to get braces? The orca-dentist.
  • Why do whales like salt water? Pepper makes them sneeze!
  • Why do killer whales find it hard to make friends? Because they’re too orc-ward!
  • What’s a whale’s favorite movie? The Humpback Of Notre Dame.
  • Why did the whale cross the road? Because there was a tsunami.
  • Why did the whale turn down that job offer? Because he didn’t want to be tide down by a full-time job.
  • Why did the two whales get married? Because they were head over fins in love.
  • Why should you never make a contract with a whale? The whale will eventually breach it.
  • Why did the killer whale go to jail for stealing all the diamonds? He’s the one that orca-strated the heist!
  • Why did the whale decide to cross the road? Because he wanted to get to the other tide.
  • Why was the whale arrested? Because his alibi seemed a little fishy.
  • Where do female whales keep their money? In an octopurse.
  • When the group of orcas gets together at night, they love to watch the Whale of Fortune.
  • When blue whales have to make a decision, they flipper coin.
  • Who helps injured whales? Sturgeons!
  • Who named the sperm whale? Seamen.
  • What’s a whale’s favorite motivational quote? “Where there’s a whale, there’s a way!”
  • Why aren’t whales afraid of pirates? They like being made to walk the plankton!
  • Why did the whale go for his vacation? Venez-whale-a.
  • Where are whales weighed? At a whale weigh station.
  • Whenever a whale faces difficulties, he tells himself, “everything whale be all right!”.
  • When whale I see you again?
  • Why don’t whales play basketball? Because they’re afraid of the net!
  • Where do whales sleep? In water beds!
  • Why did the whale go to jail for stealing all the diamonds? He’s the one that orca-strated the heist!
  • What did the whale say to his long-lost friend? “Long time no sea!”. What do whales like to chew? Blubber gum.
  • What is the investment banker’s favorite kind of fish? White whales.
  • What do whales like to do for fun? Netflix and Krill.
  • What did the dolphin say to the blue whale? “Cheer up!”
  • What do whales use for money? Sand dollars.
  • What did the whale say after eating the boat? “This tastes like ship!”
  • What is the whale’s favorite James Bond movie? It’s “License to Krill”.
  • What do whales like to eat? Fish and ships!
  • What do polite whales say? “You’re whale-come!”
  • What time is it when a whale jumps into your boat? Time to get a new boat!
  • What do you call a whale that can fly? A pilot whale.
  • What do whales like to draw with? A-krill-ic paint.
  • What do you get if you cross a whale and an elephant? A submarine with a built-in snorkel.
  • What did the orca right on his Valentine’s Day card? “Whale you be mine?”
  • What do whales listen to on long journeys? Podcasts!
  • What do you call a baby whale? A little squirt.
  • What is the saddest of all the underwater sea animals? It’s the blue whale.
  • What did the fish say to the whale? “What are you blubbering on about?”
  • What is an orca’s favorite kind of nut? Whalenuts.
  • What did the mummy whale do when her daughter stayed out too late? She flipped!
  • What do whales like to eat? Fish and ships!
  • What do you call a whale with bad posture? A hunchback whale.
  • What did the killer whale do when the boat came? Swallowed all the seamen.
  • What is a whale’s favorite sandwich? Krilled cheese.
  • What did the whale say to his long-lost friend? “Long time no sea!”.
  • What do whales like to do for fun? Netflix and Krill.
  • What do whales like to chew? Blubber gum.
  • What did the dolphin say to the blue whale? “Cheer up!”
  • What do polite whales say? “You’re whale-come!”
  • Salmon Says: What birthday party game do whales like to play?
  • Whales thrive in the whale-derness.
  • There’s no-fin I wouldn’t do for you!
  • You’ve got a krill-er personality! There’s just some fin about you…
  • The two whales broke up because they felt they were drifting apart.
  • The story about that flying Orca is a whale of a story!
  • The sign in the underwater barber shop says: “We are helping to shave the whales”.
  • The reason that an Orca can travel such long distances is that they are good at whaling cabs.
  • The little whale was sent home from school early because he was caught chewing blubber gum.
  • That young whale has a way with the ladies due to his kriller personality.
  • Someone once told me that whales could squirt ink, then I realized that they were just squidding!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Whale. Whale who? Whale, don’t just stand there and open the door!
  • If you want to get banned from Sea World all you have to do is Free Willy.
  • If you go to a party with a group of Orcas you are guaranteed a whale of a time.
  • Finland! If whales lived on land, which country would they live in?
  • I whale always love you.
  • I think whale make a great team!
  • I think this feeling is mutu-whale.
  • I saw a group of whale musicians, they were part of an orca-stra!
  • I know a whale joke, it’s a real killer!
  • By the krill-o-gram. How does a whale buy their vegetables?
  • How do you get two whales in a car? Start in England and drive west.
  • You send down four skin divers. How do you circumcise a whale?
  • They whale a taxi. How do whales travel long distances?
  • They orca-nise it. How do whales prepare for a party?
  • With a well orcastrated attack. How do killer whales hunt?
  • They use the whaleway lines. How do dolphins travel on land?
  • In a big clambulance. How did the whale get to the hospital?
  • With ten-tickles! How did the octopus make the whale laugh?
  • Have a flipping great birthday!
  • Don’t krill my vibe!
  • No, they do everything on porpoise. Do whales ever do things by accident?
  • Can I tail you something?
  • Before the Orca could leave the hospital, the doctor wanted to ensure he was whale-rested.
  • A little something to say whale-come.
  • A famous boxing whale was asked by the promoter to take a dive.
  • Irishman: “You two whales from England?” “Whale whale whale, look who it is,” I said.
  • “Nothing, it just wailed!” What did one whale say to another whale?
  • “With a whale-barrow!” How do you get a whale off the beach?
  • “I whaley appreciate your kriller personality!”


Those are all the jokes about whales and whale puns that I was able to put together  for your whaley pleasures, do yoyu think they were funny? Share the whale puns with yoyr family and friends.